Hungarian statement delivered by H.E. Ambassador Zsolt Hetesy Deputy Permanent Representative of Hungary to the United Nations on “Inclusive Development in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security” during the Security Council open debate, held on 19 January 2015.
In a statement delivered during the Security Council open debate held on 19 January 2015 on “Inclusive Development in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security”, Hungary noted that as Co-Chair of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals, it worked with Member States to ensure that the outcome document explicitly recognized the linkage among peace, inclusion, sustainable development, justice and accountability.
Hungary emphasized that empowering women was in each society’s best interest and, as a result, gender equality was reflected in national policy decisions. Regarding the Roma population, the statement noted that the Hungarian National Social Inclusion Strategy had set forth a comprehensive approach with projects addressing child welfare, education, health care and housing, to name a few.
The Hungarian Government had a zero-tolerance policy against anti-Semitism, and was an active promoter of interreligious and intercultural dialogue and cooperation. Hungary also reminded that education was one of the most powerful weapons against discrimination and inequality.