26 Jan

Under the Hungarian V4 Presidency the V4 Prime Ministers held a summit in Budapest on 26 January 2018. The Visegrad Countries reiterate their common approach concerning the Future of Europe as expressed in their declarations before the Bratislava and Rome meetings of the Heads of State and Government as well as their support to the Bratislava roadmap and the Rome declaration. The Visegrad countries welcome the debate on the future of the EU as they believe that the EU is the best framework to face and tackle both internal and external challenges. The Prime Ministers also discussed the issue of mass migration including the process aiming at creating a Global Compact on Migration in the United Nations framework.



In the previous 26 years the Visegrad Group has been actively representing regional interests, since 2004 within the European Union, while contributing to the prosperity and stability of the continent via their economic performance, cooperation aimed at facilitating connectivity, support towards the neighbouring Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership regions, as well as a responsible approach to the unprecedented migration crisis. The V4 countries constitute stability and growth in the European Union, and have the legitimate intention to contribute substantially and as equal partners to the dialogue on the future of the EU.

Click here to visit the website of the Hungarian Presidency of the Visegrad Group.

To read the V4 statement on the Future of Europe click here.

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